A downloadable game

Zentsumo, the perfect bar game! Just take the board out of your wallet, put some coins on it and you are good to go.


Place a coin in each corner or the card, two tails and two heads, making two teams.

The teams alternate turns moving one of their coins, flicking them to try to position their coins and expel the the other team coins from the card. 

When a coin is no longer touching the card, gets eliminated from that round.

Once there is only  one team standing in the card the round ends and that team counts how many points do they have in this fashion:

  • If a coin is touching or it's inside of the central circle, that team gets 1 point for that coin.
  • If it's touching any of the two bars in the center, it gets 2 points for that coin.

When a team reaches 5 points, they win the game.


Big board.jpg 31 kB
Small board.jpg 9.2 kB

Install instructions

Download one of the boards, print it (is better to print it in in cardboard or in plastic, like a credit card) and grab some spare cash. You are ready to play!

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